Northern Virginia September Pole Vault Invitational
Sunday, Sept 8, 2024
Entry information
In order to be registered for this competition complete the form at this link.
Entry Fee
$30 entry fee if registered before September 1, 2024. . Beginning September 1, 2024 the entry fee is $50. Entry fee can be paid via Venmo to @decker-barborek.
Time Schedule
Women’s Vault @ 11:00 a.m. runway opens one hour before at 10 a.m.
Men’s Vault @ 2 p.m. runway opens one hour before at 1 pm.
Bar Progressions
This meet is USATF sanctioned and can be used for qualification to USATF championship events. This meet is NOT NCAA OR WORLD ATHLETICS SANCTIONED. It will not populate on your TFRRS or WA pages.
Please let me know if there is a specific height you’re trying to hit. We will do our best to make sure the meet's bar progression is friendly for all competitors.
The bar progression will be posted on this website after entries finalize on September 6 Friday evening.
Results for this event will be posted on MileSplit.
GMU Fieldhouse
“GMU Field House” on Google Maps.
4501 University Dr.
Fairfax, VA 22030
LOT P, M, O will all be free parking options.
Pole Availability
Please bring your own pole(s) if you have them. NOVA PVC will have a full range of poles to use, however if you break a pole, you will be required to pay $100 fee towards the replacement cost.
Prior Meets
Northern Virginia May Pole Vault Invitational
Friday, May 17, 2024
Entry information
In order to be registered for this competition please email Tim Nickas ( your full name/affiliation/entry mark by Wednesday 5/15 @ 6:00pm.
Entry Fee
There will be a $20 entry fee. Cash accepted on site.
Time Schedule
Women’s Vault @ 3:00pm
Men’s Vault @ 6:00pm
Bar Progressions
This meet is USATF sanctioned and can be used for qualification to USATF championship events. This meet is NOT NCAA OR WORLD ATHLETICS SANCTIONED. It will not populate on your TFRRS or WA pages.
Please let me know if there is a specific height you’re trying to hit. We will do our best to make sure the meet's bar progression is friendly for all competitors.
Tim Nickas will email out the bar progression after entries finalize on 5/15 Wednesday evening.
Results for this event will be posted at
This is an athlete friendly competition. Our aim is to give post-collegiate vaulters an opportunity to hit championship qualifying marks during a time of year where there are not many competitions available for that population. If you need to borrow poles or need help with video or coaching there will be many people on site happy to help. If you have specific requests please just let Tim Nickas know ahead of time.
GMU Fieldhouse
“GMU Field House” on Google Maps.
4501 University Dr.
Fairfax, VA 22030
LOT P, M, O will all be free parking options.
Northern Virginia June Pole Vault Invitational
Saturday, June 1, 2024
Entry information
In order to be registered for this competition please email Tim Nickas ( your full name/affiliation/entry mark by Thursday 5/30 @ 6:00pm.
Entry Fee
There will be a $20 entry fee. Cash accepted on site.
Time Schedule
Women’s Vault @ TBD
Men’s Vault @ TBD
Bar Progressions
This meet is USATF sanctioned and can be used for qualification to USATF championship events. This meet is NOT NCAA OR WORLD ATHLETICS SANCTIONED. It will not populate on your TFRRS or WA pages.
Please let Tim Nickas know if there is a specific height you’re trying to hit. We will do our best to make sure the meet's bar progression is friendly for all competitors.
The bar progression will be emailed out after entries finalize 5/30 Thursday evening.
Results for this event will be posted at
This is an athlete friendly competition. Our aim is to give post-collegiate vaulters an opportunity to hit championship qualifying marks during a time of year where there are not many competitions available for that population. If you need to borrow poles or need help with video or coaching there will be many people on site happy to help. If you have specific requests please just let Tim Nickas know ahead of time.
GMU Fieldhouse
“GMU Field House” on Google Maps.
4501 University Dr.
Fairfax, VA 22030
LOT P, M, O will all be free parking options.