March Drop In Dates Available
Beginning Sunday, March 9
Drop-Ins are now available for March 2025
Based on the Spring Registration to date, there are a few spots left for drop-in, see below. April drop-in slots may be different due to priority for those who register for April and May together.
If interested in dropping in to a practice in March, please send an email with the following subject line:
Subject: Drop-in Request for: DATE - TIME (e.g. Drop-in Request for: Sunday, March 9th - 10 AM)
The registration coordinator will respond to your request and let you know if there is a spot available and will request payment to confirm your registration.
March availability each week for drop-ins:
Sunday: 10-11 a.m. for vaulters below high school age - 4 spots
Sunday: 11-12 a.m. - Open to vaulters of all ages - 3 spots
Sunday: 12-1 p.m. - for high school and up vaulters - 3 spots
Wednesday: 7-8 pm. - 3 spots
Friday: 7-8 p.m. - 2 spots

The Month's Events
How to Pay
You may pay the registration fee via credit card with a 3% fee, or with without fee by check, cash, Zelle, or Venmo
Cash: Bring the cash to Coach Barborek at the beginning of practice
Check: Bring the check to Coach Barborek at the beginning of your first practice. Checks should be made out to "Decker Barborek".
Venmo: Pay Northern Virginia Pole Vault Club @NOVA-PVC. Put your athlete's first and last name in the "What's it for" section.
Zelle: 703-307-2740.
Credit Card: You can pay via credit card when you see coach Barborek in person at your first practice. Reminder: There is an extra 3% fee for doing this.